OSK Christmas Shoot


Hi Everyone

Hope you’re all well and bearing up after such a “wash out” year for shooting. We were so lucky to have enjoyed the Welsh OSK Grand Prix before the counties shutdown

This is just a notification of the last important upcoming event for the year… the OSK Christmas shoot.

With events as they are and suppression of the virus constantly changing, we can never be certain that we will be able to meet up for a fun day … but we live in hope !!

So,  Saturday 19th December is in the diary at SW2000 …and I believe Sian is putting it on the facebook page.

There will be prizes and as you may guess… the dreaded “Spud Gun” prize.

We hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us for a good fun day, I will of course be in touch again as the date approaches

Best wishes to you all and stay safe
