Hotshot Humphreys!!!!!!

Let’s start this week, with a money saving offer for WCTSA members and their families and friends, for this year’s Game Fair and the Welsh Game Fair.                                 

Here are the ticket booking links for both events and the code is WCTSA23.

On Sunday, Griffin Lloyd SG, held the OTR Welsh Grand Prix. Strongly supported, at the end of the competition, there was tie between Owain Humphreys and Tom Betts-both os superb 97’s. After a single-barrel, sudden-death sgoot-off, Owain Humphreys too High Gun and the 2023 OTR Grand Prix. Congratulations!!

At Fauxdegla SG on Saturday, Graham Evans was ABT High Gun with a great 96! Well shot!! On the Sunday, they held 100 OTR.

Please find below, the updated Selection Events, which includes the Welsh Open ABT and OSK Grand Prix dates

On Saturday, Ferndale SG, held the 5th Welsh Sporting Qualifier. Congratulations to Mike Jones with a superb score of 98!! 75 shooters took part and the full scores are below…

Thanks to Griffin Lloyd and Welsh Sporting Clays.


Congratulations too, to Iwan Mills, the Welsh Junior DTL shooter, who on Day 2 of the DTL Weekend at Bywell SG-the Dougall Memorial, Iwan shot a 98/293, to take 3rd place in Juniors.

The Gloucester CSG, held the 9th Welsh NSK Qualifier on Sunday, full results will be posted, once received.

This coming weekend, sees a 2-day Welsh OSK Qualifier-the final 2, at Griffin Lloyd SG. Shoot well all!


Have I missed anything? If so, email me at